Dec 13, 2023Liked by Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson

Should you not pose any questions you have to our Plagiarist-in-Chief, Joe Biden?

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"...to include a trip to the principal’s office on a charge of McCarthyism."

You MUST tell us this story!

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Twas after the summer I spent on a farm in Iceland, mucking out the cow barn and reading "The Gulag Archipelago."

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And how did that lead to you getting cross-wise in school?

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It made me aware of the "champagne socialism" peddled by my history teacher.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson

If you cannot find anything original to say of your own, at least give credit to those that did.

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson

Reminds me of that quote:

Pablo Picasso:

Good artists copy; great artists steal.

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Well heard!

On the point of "beginnings", I have often felt this to be so -- I always prefer the beginning of a novel; the beginning of a movie; the beginning of a theatrical performance... the beginning of any and every story. There is something so fresh and new and clear about beginning a thing. Once there begin to be complications, changes and uncertainties, I always find that I would prefer to go back to the beginning. I suppose that is very much human nature, but it has always been quite true in my Life, and, as I watch many of my grandparents' generation pass into Heaven, I still find myself longing for my own beginnings in this life.

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