May 21Liked by Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson

This is why we read you and not them!

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May 21Liked by Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson

Bruce, would you mind if I purloined this post to use as a future QotD on my personal blog? (I'm totally okay if you would prefer I didn't ... no pressure!)

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I would be honored, Sir. Please purloin at pleasure.

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May 23Liked by Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson

Thank you very much. No idea when it’ll turn up in the cycle (I usually keep a big backlog of QotD entries in the hopper and schedule them about three months in advance).

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May 21Liked by Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson

A witty post even by your lofty standards!

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Thank you, Sir! That is, indeed, high praise, and I hope to be worthy of it.

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May 21Liked by Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson

Very nice alliteration and allusions. Oh, the hum of words and well turned phrases.

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Thank you, Sir! You have made my day.

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Suvurov, “Speed is essential, haste harmful.”

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