I sort of got, "It was dark in the room, which was rocked by a gentle lurching and shook by a subtle tremor. A light play of lines circled at its height. Silver sparks scattered, blinking and trembling, only to find themselves groping and merging in waves."
I'm betting that the mistranslation was "groping and merging in waves. Because the "Silver sparks scattered, blinking and trembling actually sounded right to me."
I sort of got, "It was dark in the room, which was rocked by a gentle lurching and shook by a subtle tremor. A light play of lines circled at its height. Silver sparks scattered, blinking and trembling, only to find themselves groping and merging in waves."
I'm betting that the mistranslation was "groping and merging in waves. Because the "Silver sparks scattered, blinking and trembling actually sounded right to me."
Unless I completely mistranslated the sentence.